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Read about the Lake Doster Lake Association, check out our recent newsletters.  Protecting our lake is high on the priority list, check out information about some of the weeds present in the lake.  


Monthly Board Meeting:


February 11, 2025 @ 6:00

Gunplain Township Hall

Weeds, Weeds, Weeds...

Lake Doster Lake Association is dedicated to protecting our lake.  We have a yearly weed management program that includes spraying the lake for various weeds.  Read about why treating the weeds is important and the annual weed treatment schedule in links below. 

Dissolved Oxygen and Lake Doster fishing

2024 Weed Treatment schedule 


The LDLA spends and great deal of money every year on managing weeds and invasive aquatic plant growth. Our contractor (PLM Lake and Land Management) charges our association a very substantial fee to treat and test in the ongoing effort to keep Lake Doster healthy.  This is unfortunately a necessity these days. However, there are very important things that we as homeowners can do to assist in keeping Doster healthy.


Many lawn fertilizer products contain nitrogen and phosphorus. These products (especially if applied excessively) wash into the lake causing excess plant growth and toxic algae blooms.  This leads to eutrophication of our lake, or the death of animal life due to the lack of oxygen. It only makes sense that if fertilizers stimulate plant growth in our yards, these chemicals will stimulate plant and algae growth in the lake.

Here are a couple quick, common-sense ideas to consider:

  1. Any fertilizer should not be applied within 15 feet from the lake unless there is a “continuous natural buffer” (then it is 10 feet). Never apply fertilizer within 10 feet as it will simply run into the lake during the next rain.

  2. If you absolutely need to use fertilizer choose a brand that is phosphorus free. This is a no-brainer. Even if you choose to abide by the 15- foot rule (above) the chemicals will likely leech into the lake to some degree. Phosphorus is bad news and will cause eutrophication and oxygen loss.

  3. Best bet is to avoid chemicals and let a few dandelions flourish; your neighbors will understand!


We all have a stake in the health of our lake and with just a little collective effort, we can improve the water quality of our lake.

Goose Fences

We had a very successful Goose nest destruction and egg removal this year. 12 nests were destroyed, and 53 eggs were gathered. Dave DeYoung believes this is the highest amount he has seen. This is excellent news for those of us that detest the dropping and potential for E. coli contamination that comes along with these critters.  

Unfortunately, we are still in the midst of an Avian Flu epidemic and the round up of geese will not be in the cards again this year. The state has deemed the risk of disease spread too high to allow these birds to be gathered and removed as we have done in years past. 

The board would discourage the use of plastic or PVC barriers on the lakeshore for control of goose movement.  The use of these plastic or PVC fencing materials has led to conflicts between homeowners and lead to complaints. Although effective at keeping geese out, these fences are unsightly and run afoul (no pun intended) of our lake rules.


Please refrain from using the above type of material, or similar fencing material when considering keeping these critters out of your property. The board would kindly encourage the use of stakes with rope or twine as a barrier which this writer (and many others) has found to be quite effective. Also, bright, reflective “bird deflectors” have been used effectively for not only geese, but all bird deterrents. Even tin foil or old CDs can be used along the lakeshore to effectively deter birds, including geese. 


Other news


The Board of Director's monthly meeting minutes as well as the quarterly financials are in AppFolio. 



Winter 2024

Fall 2024

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